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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 8:50 pm

Yup I can whip something up. Will work on it and will have it down by Thursday. I think Fonts will be cool. I will go and find :)
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 8:55 pm

Yeah I thought that could be a fn post too.

Do you know this blog? Maybe it can help inspire. Then again maybe not...LOL Just see if it helps getting ideas.
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 9:08 pm

I never saw her blog, but I was thinking about doing the post similar re a pic of the fonts and all the links. I will put something together. I have seen other blogs that do something similar. I think it is great that your blog is well versed in different things :)

It will be a fun post!

{my name is Christa and I am a "fontaholic"} LOL
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 9:21 pm

Oh I love that title! Fontaholic! Teehee! I am definitely one too!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 9:25 pm

whatever the post comes out to be we will title it Fontaholic!! LOL
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 10:03 pm

Yes we are definitely keeping that one!

Can you believe I bought 4 new fonts at Myfonts in the past month? In my defense it was over a year ago that I bought a font that was more expensive than 2 dollars!
Now I spent a little over $150! How decadent right? But I just couldn't resist all those yummy handwritten ones! So happy both Gurt and I get a bonus at work at the end of the year! Woohooooot! Now I'll have to wait again until next years bonus! Bwahahahaahaaa.

Bookeyed Nelson
Jacques & Gilles
Asterism and
Bombshell Pro

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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 06, 2014 5:46 am

LOL re buying fonts... The only fonts I buy are the ones at TLP :)

Love it you go girl!!!

Re the SOSN's 1/8 & 1/15... I forgot.. did you want me to do a blog post for them? wasn't sure. I thought you said you did them, but I would need to go back and look at my email... going on headache day 2... UGH :) I am hoping it goes away overnight. I did take down the Christmas decorations today.

I had fun doing the page for the kiss the frogs... I had a blast blending all the papers. I had gotten the elements when you gave me the coupon when I first joined the team for older stuff but never got the papers or the alpha... the papers I was blending and blending and then I added some gesso.. I love to blend etc., digitally... no mess to clean up!! Hugs... sorry it is another coffee page, but I can't resist... LOL
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 12:21 pm

I post the SOSN"s on my FB page only not on the blog so don't worry about those.
I send Candice a promo add and she will post them in het gazillion FB froups.

I went to work yesterday and came back sick again in the afternoon. After that nasty 'cold' I think I have the flu now. I am actually kinda cranky about it. I am not cranky easily..... :gaah: 

I saw your page! It's fab!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 2:50 pm

oh wow... so sorry you are sick again... we have been out of whack too .. I have had a headache for 3 days now, but at least can still function... todays temps dropped drastically and we are breaking a record here in my area lowest temps in over 100 years.. plus the wind chill... I am just glad I do not live where Dalis is in Chicago as she is much much lower than us and that is so so cold... no one is even going to work in a lot of places here in the US with the cold snap.

Also a lot of power outages at the same time so it is not great ... we were at 65 degrees F yesterday morning and this morning we are at 14 degrees F with a wind chill of 0... and then come Saturday we are supposed to be back up to 65 - 68 degrees F... so obviously you can see the huge swing and Chicago is wind chill of -30 degrees F (minus 30) which is way way too cold... frostbite warnings so everyone is bundled up and staying indoors for the most part.

re the fonts Jacques & Gilles is the font I think I was thinking of... enjoy them!! XO and feel better!! [Thanks re my page and thanks too for the info re FB and the promo, so I won't worry about it then :)
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 3:11 pm

I am sorry about your headache too! I had them 'once a month' if you know what I mean. They got so bad I would be in bed 3 days straight. My doctor came up with kind of a weird solution but I am happy with it....I am taking my birth control pills 3 months in a row now. Instead of 12 migraines I now only get 4 a year and most of the time they are not as bad as they used to be and I can still function, like you said.

The weather is completely out of whack here too.
it's 14 degrees Celsius. It's the kind of wether we normally have at the end of September, beginning of October. I am not complaining though. I prefer these temps above what you are talking about and what we normally have around this time of year.

BTW I think Natas wil lbe joining us oin promo soon too as was the idea from the beginning.
I am also making MAJOR changes on my blog behind the scenes. I made a dummy blog that I am keeping private. I still hop to be able to make the changes to the 'real' blog this upcoming weekend. I guess a lot will depend on how I am feeling. Plus I seriously need to design. O am just SO tired from trying to get rid of all the bacteria and virusses. I was all energized when we got back from our little getawa and now it seems like the battery is running on empty again. Of course that is just a physical tiredness. I am pretty sure that I will feel A LOT better once all the little critters are gone...LOL

I will be posting the workspace post later this afternoon btw!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 4:27 pm

Don't know what is going on with the ozone layer with this odd temps :)

I been in menopause (I call it mentalpause Ha!) for 7 years now so that isn't my problem, however I sympathize with you though as those migraines are TERRIBLE when the incapacitate you. My Aunt (whom I seem to favor with everything.. LOL) had severe migraines that she would need to go to the hospital for the shot as it was so bad and she was vomiting constantly with... I have only had a severe migraine once thank goodness... these are a lot from sinus but I get concerned as they are always on the right side behind my eye. 7 years ago this past September I had melanoma - thank goodness it was caught early and I didn't need any other treatment then the two surgeries, but I get nervous even though I go for yearly checks, they say it would spread to bones, and brain so I get a bit nervous with the headaches. I know all is fine, and like I said it is probably a combo of eyestrain, sinus and the roller coaster weather. At least yesterday was much better and today I just feel a smidgeon of it, so I will keep popping the IBprophen to keep it at bay.

For whatever reason a lot of people (especially my brother) lately have been getting virus etc. that has them sick for a long time and then resistance is very low after and you get other things.

I do hope you feel better ... I do think stress and overwhelm has a lot to do with it. Your body needs to rest ... working a full time job and then doing the design thing that takes a LONG time does a number on the body and the mind, so make sure you take time for YOU.

That sounds great with Natascha... she seems to be doing real well with tagging & Promoing all over!

Re a new blog format, how exciting! I hope it is simple and allows for ease of updates. Anything you need help with just let me know :)

Hugs and don't do too much... get some rest.
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 5:49 pm

I promiss that I am resting lots! I just can't lay down for too long because then my back starts to hurt.
And when I sit and can just as well sit a bit behind the PC as in forint of the TV right?

Plus I get anxious that I am running more and more behind. Dealing with my mail and chatting with you, working on my blog a bit. It helps keep my sanity plus reduces stress!

And just so you know 99% of my headaches are located on the right side behind my eye too. I totally get that you are nervous after the melanoma though. I had a PAP 4 smear almost 4 years ago and had to have an exconisation. The test results showed that I had stage 1 cancer but luckily all bad cells were removed clean so no further treatment was necessary. I have been going for checkups every year and I am doing fine. Chances are close to zero that I will get it back but I know now how it feels to be scared, to have to wait for test results and to get bad news.
Waiting for the results from my checkups still gives me the heeby jeebies. I don't think we'll ever get rid of that feeling after such a thing.

Yeah Natas did promo for River Rose so she has access to loads of FB groups like Candice but I am hoping she can help out with the blog too so neither of us gets swamped in work and we can all take a day off if we want to! Teehee.

The look of the new blog is definitely clean and simple. I am adding page tabs for subjects such as contact form, TOU, links to TUTS...stuff like that.
Added new fonts for headers and posts...
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 6:13 pm

Yeah this getting old is the pits.. I had what you had when I lived in Atlanta,Georgia back in 1993 and same thing paps have been regular since although I really need to go this year as the last 2 I have not... I have been bad but sometimes with everything that was going on LAST year, I really did not want to know. UGH... re the right eye headaches, wonder if that is all eye strain from the computer... we all have almost 18 hrs a day on them... if you work and then when you get home, and I know I look at my phone quite a bit... could be part of the issues... Yesterday I walked away from the PC and did some reading to break things up a bit and also watched some tv to mix up the eye strain... that is part of my problem why I don't do cross stitch any more due to my eyes... that really saddens me more than you know :)

Very very cool .. I like the sounds already of the new blog :)

Superb about Natascha... Many hands make light work as the saying goes :) Big hugs my friend!!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 6:33 pm

I can understand that your mond was elsewhere the past year but I do hope you will go for your checkup this year. Although I am anxious for the results it's SUCH a relief for the rest of the year to hear everythings is okay!
I know you love to cross stitch and I am so sorry you can't because of your eyes. Isn't there anything you can do? Have you heard of these daylight magnifier/lamps for crafters? http://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/daylight-5in-magnifying-lamp/591268-1000 Would that perhaps be a solution?

I am really, really, really happy with how the ne blog is developing and I think that you will like it also.

For sure many hand make light work. If we all have a few tasks to cover we can still scrap, PL, design or whatever too!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 6:39 pm

Re the crosstitch I have thought about the magnifier.. it really is a twofold kind of thing.. my hands cramp up too... I have a piece I have been trying to finish of a rooster for my BFF that will be here on the 17th... been trying for years.. LOL anyway Last October I got back to doing a little then Dad got sick and then that was it... I did some, am going to try and give it a go again to see how it feels... otherwise my Nurse friend Pat has begged me to give it to her to finish for me... I really want to do it, but Mary & I might be with canes and wheelchairs before I get it done! Ha Ha!!

I promise I will go this year :)

Ok I will let you go so you can get some rest.. xo
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 7:02 pm

I do hope you'll be able to finish it yourself. Even if it takes year!

Yup. will go and rest a little now!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 2:05 pm

Hi Mirjam... I don't know what you plan on for February items but I have some chocolates I made a while back.. since it is valentines day on the 14th if you are planning on something, I can send them to you to add to whatever. I made them in PSP or Photo Impact again, years ago and I have them as pngs If you are interested. I think I may have a heart candy box too.. if not we can always make one if you are interested.. just let me know.
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 6:19 pm

I hadn't thought about this but by all means send those files to me! Maybe we can make a little collab mini again!!!
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 6:54 pm

will dig through and send them to you later :)
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PostSubject: Re: CONCEPT Calendar   CONCEPT Calendar - Page 3 I_icon_minitime

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